*All of these illustrations were created and animated by myself*
360 Wellness
"360 wellness" is a campaign that rewards points to students for attending or using resources on Fresno state campus or at the health center and winners with the most points get a prize.
Whats On Your Mind?
"Whats on your mind?" is a campaign that is similar to Mental Health SCreening Day but for the fall semester used to check the mental well being of students who are feeling stressed about life outside or inside of fresno State's campus.
Suicide Prevention Awareness
"Suicide Prevention Awareness" is a campaign that brings awareness to the number of students who have committed suicide in the past and strives to lower the number every year by providing students with the help and resources they need.
FOod Security Project
The "FOod Secuirty Project" Animation was done for the Fresno State Student Cupboard to show its location on campus and to inform students of the main process of what to do to prevent confusion and give students a chance to use campus resources.
Relax and Breathe Animation
a one minute Animation used to inform students of a breathing exercise to calm them during the covid-19 pandemic.
PEEr Ambassadors of Wellness (Paw) Recruitment
An animation used to recruit students for the paw recruitment campaign and inform them of other information..
Mental Health SCreening Day
An introduction animation for the Mental Health Screening Day campaign for SPring semesters.
HEalthy Campus Week 2020
Healthy Campus Week campaign animation shows students what events are happening virtually during the week to better their health.